The Genetics


 Genetics - Slide Show Presentation -


We are in Vojvodina, in Novi Sad... the northern part of Republic of Serbia The region is a flat area of quality land, cut by a number of rivers, including blue Danube. As a province suitable for agriculture, Vojvodina produces wheat, corn, sunflower, soybean, vegetables, livestock, good beer and great vine. Vojvodina is a multicultural region, where beside Serbs, live Hungarians, Romanians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Croats, etc. a typical Mid-European town on the bank of Danube river. A castle and a big clock on it, gives the town characteristic look. The second large town in Serbia is enriched with more than 400.000 inhabitants. Facing the great Pannonian plane on one side and Fruska Gora mountain on the other, Novi Sad lays on the edge of rich agricultural area. Beside agriculture and food processing industry, Novi Sad is a university town. University of Novi Sad the second largest in Serbia and one of the prestigious in former Yugoslavia. Established in 1956, University has grown into a modern educational centre, gathering students not only from Vojvodina and Serbia but also from abroad. It today's campus shape is unique in this part of Europe. Faculty of Agriculture the oldest at the University. The Faculty is a home of all the major agricultural fields of education and research, giving a solid base for agricultural development in the region.


Genetics on Faculty of Agriculture...

...was founded at the end of 50 s with the arrival of prof. Slavko Borojevic. Academician Prof. Borojevic was not only a scientist of general genetics, but also a very successful wheat breeder. He was the creator of a number of wheat varieties in Novi Sad wheat breeding program. The variety SAVA achieved the second best wheat yield result in the World of 10.9t/ha on 30ha in 1976, in Slovakia. Consequently, the genetic research, he established in the Chair has always been closely related to the results applicable in plant breeding. That tradition we have been cherished ever since. Academician Borojevic had been close friend or personal acquaintance of many distinguished scientists in a field of genetics and breeding - Norman Borlaug, Barbara McClintock, J. Mac Key, Earny Sears etc. With many of them he had exchanged visits, and had a vivid correspondence. Therefore, the Chair of Genetics had been up-to-date with the newest research work right from the source, establishing high standards not only in scientific work, but also in education. During the 50 years, a number of people had contributed to the Genetics history both in research and education: Prof. dr Slavko Borojevic, academician, dean of the Faculty, rector of the University, wheat breeder, Prof. dr Marija Kraljevic-Balalic, dean of the Faculty, quantitative geneticist Prof. dr Stevan Petrovic, cytogeneticist. Prof. dr Relja Savic, academician, head of the corn department of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops - Novi Sad, corn breeder. Prof. dr Ivan Mihaljev, dean of the Faculty, wheat breeder. Prof. dr Petar Dokic, sugar beet breeder. Through the Genetics had passed spending some quality years: Prof. dr Katarina Borojevic, director of the Institute of Biology, wheat breeder. Prof. dr Dragan Skoric, academician, head of sunflower department of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops - Novi Sad, sunflower breeder. Dr Srbislav Dencic, academician, head of wheat department of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops - Novi Sad, wheat breeder. Dr Todor Misic, head of wheat department of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops - Novi Sad, distinguished wheat breeder, and many others.

Academian Professor Slavko Borojevic





          Генетика на Пољопривредном факултету, али и Универзитету у Новом Саду је основана крајем педесетих година прошлог века, а њен оснивач је био професор Славко Боројевић. Осим што се бавио базичном генетиком, професор Боројевић је био и један од најуспешнијих оплемењивача биљака на нашим просторима. Креатор је бројних новосадских  сорти пшенице. 1976. године сорта САВА достигла је другу по реду висину приноса у свету, који је изосио 10,9 t/hа на 30 hа у Републици Словачкој. Према томе, генетичка истраживања која је утемељио на Генетици нашла су примену у практичном оплемењивачком раду, где су показала добре резултате. Академик Боројевић је био близак пријатељ многих знаменитих научника из области генетике и оплемњивања, са којима је размењивао знање и искуство које је касније доносио на Генетику и несебично их преносио својим студентима и сарадницима. Само неки од његових пријатеља били су Norman Borlaug, Barbara McClintock, J. Mac Key, Earny Sears и други. Због свега тога, Генетика велику захвалност дугује академику Славку Боројевићу.

