Department of Field and Vegetable Crops

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad

June 5th, 2024


Zemlja je jedna. Ne dam da je zedna.


The Department of Field and Vegetable Crops (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad) celebrate the World Environment Day in cooperation with teachers and children of preschool and early school age. The goal is to familiarize the youngest inhabitants of the Planet with environmental protection and drought as an abiotic factor that hinders agricultural production. We will organize educational visits to kindergartens and schools, and on June 5, in the hall of the Faculty, we will make an exhibition of children's works on the theme of Our land. Our future.The local name of the event is Zemlja je jedna. Ne dam da je Zedna. (in Serbian language Zemlja means Earth, also soil. Ne dam da je Zedna-I don't let her be thirsty.